İsim: Alice to zouroku, アリスと蔵六
Tür: Seinen, Macera, Gizem
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 02.04.2017
Bölüm Sayısı: 12
Kaynak: Manga
Mangaka: Imai Tetsuya
Yönetmen: Sakurabi Katsushi
Firma/Stüdyo: J.C.Staff
Başlıca Seiyuular: Ootsuka Akio (Zouroku), Ohwada Hitomi (Sana)
Açılış: “Wonder Drive” by ORESAMA
Kapanış: Chant (kotringo edition)” by toi toy toi
Uzun zamandır 44 dakikalık bir seri izlememiştim ama açıkçası çok mutlu oldum. Her ne kadar animelerin 20 dakikalık bölümleri, izlenmesini hem vakit hem de sıkılmamak adına kolaşlaytırsa da ben uzun bir seri geldiği için çok mutluyum. Maalesef, gözüme çok batan bir tane sorun da var ama bundan yazının ilerleyen kısımlarında bahsetmek istiyorum.
Yeni gelecek olan seriler açıklandığından beri bu seriyi izlemek aklımdaydı ve de yazısını yazmak. Ben bu tür serileri çok severim, içinde özel güçler olsun olmasın; küçük çocuklar ve yaşlılar arasındaki bağın odak noktasında olduğu animeler hep çok güzel gelir, huzur verir. Bu da öyle bir anime ama biraz daha modifiye edilmiş bir konusu hatta ilerleyen bölümlerde göreceğimiz karanlık bir hikayesi de söz konusu.

İlk bölüm o kadar uzun ki, daha fazla ileri gitmemek adına yazmadım, ancak pek çok detay ve olay gerçekleşiyor. Her bölümün bu kadar ve hatta daha da dolu geçeceğini düşününce çok mutlu oluyorum.

Alice To Zouroku

Releasing Date: 02.04.2017
Number of Episodes: 12
Source: Manga
Mangaka: Imai Tetsuya
Director: Sakurabi Katsushi
Studio: J.C. Staff
Cast: Ootsuka Akio (Zouroku), Ohwada Hitomi (Sana)
Opening Theme: “Wonder Drive” by ORESAMA
Ending Theme: Chant (kotringo edition)” by toi toy toi
The scenario of an empowered girl escaping from a research facility and winding up sheltering with the kind-hearted male protagonist, who soon gets drawn into all kinds of weirdness and danger because of it, has been an anime staple for many years now, including titles like Elfen Lied and Brynhildr in the Darkness. This is a potentially dramatically different twist on the concept, however, as instead of the male protagonist being a young man (and thus a potential romantic interest) he is instead a more grandfatherly figure. In other words, this is “escape from research facility” action series meets “old guy looking after little girl” slice-of-life series. And based on the double-length first episode, I am now very curious to see how this one plays out.

One thing that is immediately clear is that anything Sana gets from Zoroku will be hard-earned. While he may be kind-hearted under that grumpy exterior, he's not one to be taken in merely by a cute face. He doesn't take any attitude from Sana, doesn't hesitate to punish and berate the girls who were pursuing him (who clearly have supernatural powers), and doesn't put up with anything even from a yakuza boss who hired him; he won't accept more than the agreed-upon fee, for instance. (And the revelation later on about exactly why the yakuza boss was willing to pay him extra is the episode's one funny point.) In other words, he's exactly the type of father figure that someone like Sana, who has little familiarity with the outside world and could wreak utter havoc if she really let loose with her powers, needs. He can set limits and guidelines for her in a way that she will accept, hence cutting off the potential for bigger problems, and shelter her without any concerns for romantic entanglements. Already a pleasing chemistry is starting to develop between the two, and kudos to the direction for taking that seriously. On this front, at least, there's a lot of promise.

The good news is that character-focused side of the series appears to be in much better shape. Zoroku is a really appealing protagonist; I immediately want to know more about his backstory, and it's a lot of fun to watch him drop the “respect your elders” hammer in situations where a hapless teen hero would simply freak out and run away. Starting with a double-length first episode also works in the show's favor, as it gives Sana a chance to develop a personality of her own. She hasn't broken out of the innocent heroine mold quite yet, but her interactions with Zoroku are entertaining and occasionally quite charming.

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